Grade 1. English language arts curriculum


  • 1 read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, graphic, and informational texts, using a range of strategies to construct meaning;
    • 1 read a few different types of literary texts (e.g., pattern books, rhymes, books from home, simple fiction stories), graphic texts (e.g., calendars, environmental print, signs), and informational texts (e.g., morning messages, strategy charts, instructions, simple non-fiction books, labels)
    • 2 identify a few different purposes for reading and choose reading materials appropriate for those purposes (e.g., picture books for entertainment, information, or reflection; simple factual and visual texts for information; magazines for entertainment and interest)
    • 3 identify a few reading comprehension strategies and use them before, during, and after reading to understand texts, initially with support and direction (e.g., activate prior knowledge by brainstorming about the cover, title page, or topic; describe how they visualize a character or scene in a text; ask questions about information or ideas presented in a text: I wonder if…?, What if…? Why did…?; identify important ideas in a text)
      • Does the adjective tell you what kind or how many? (1-R.4)
      • Does the adjective compare two or more than two? (1-R.8)
      • Identify time-order words (1-T.2)
      • Put the sentences in order (1-T.3)
      • Use context to identify the meaning of a word (1-X.1)
      • Use words with prefixes and suffixes (1-X.10)
      • Understand words with prefixes and suffixes (1-X.11)
      • What am I? (1-Y.5)
    • 4 demonstrate understanding of a text by retelling the story or restating information from the text, including the main idea (e.g., retell a story or restate facts, including the main idea and important events, in accurate time order; role-play or dramatize a story or informational text using puppets or props)
      • Identify time-order words (1-T.2)
      • Put the sentences in order (1-T.3)
    • 5 use stated and implied information and ideas in texts, initially with support and direction, to make simple inferences and reasonable predictions about them
      • Compare pictures using adjectives (1-R.1)
      • Compare pictures using comparative and superlative adjectives (1-R.6)
      • Does the adjective compare two or more than two? (1-R.8)
      • What am I? (1-Y.5)
    • 6 extend understanding of texts by connecting the ideas in them to their own knowledge and experience, to other familiar texts, and to the world around them (e.g., identify personally significant events in stories, such as losing a tooth or getting a pet; relate information in a text to previous experiences, other familiar texts, movies, or trips)
    • 7 identify the main idea and a few elements of texts, initially with support and direction (e.g., narrative: characters, setting, problem/solution; information text: introductory statement, facts, photographs)
    • 8 express personal thoughts and feelings about what has been read (e.g., through role playing, drama, visual arts, music, discussion; by developing a plan to act on issues raised in the text)
    • 9 begin to identify, with support and direction, the speaker and the point of view presented in a text and suggest a possible alternative perspective (e.g., dramatize the story, taking on the role of different characters; create drawings, paintings, or models to represent the perspective of different characters in a text)
  • 2 recognize a variety of text forms, text features, and stylistic elements and demonstrate understanding of how they help communicate meaning;
    • 1 identify and describe the characteristics of a few simple text forms, with a focus on literary texts such as a simple fictional story (e.g., characters, setting, events, problem/solution), graphic texts such as a calendar (e.g., names of months and days, a grid, numbers), and informational texts such as a simple “All About____” book (e.g., labels, headings, pictures)
    • 2 recognize simple organizational patterns in texts of different types and explain, initially with support and direction, how the patterns help readers understand the texts (e.g., signal words such as first, second, then, finally help to identify time order or sequence)
      • Place sentences on a timeline (1-P.12)
      • Place sentences with irregular verbs on a timeline (1-P.15)
      • Identify time-order words (1-T.2)
      • Put the sentences in order (1-T.3)
    • 3 identify some text features (e.g., illustrations, symbols, photographs, title, page number, table of contents) and explain how they help readers understand texts
    • 4 identify some simple elements of style, including voice and word choice, and explain, initially with support and direction, how they help readers understand texts (e.g., descriptive words help the reader make better mind pictures of the characters or setting in a story)
      • Compare pictures using adjectives (1-R.1)
      • Use number words (1-R.2)
      • Use sense words (1-R.3)
      • Does the adjective tell you what kind or how many? (1-R.4)
      • Identify adjectives (1-R.5)
      • Compare pictures using comparative and superlative adjectives (1-R.6)
      • Identify comparative and superlative adjectives (1-R.7)
      • Does the adjective compare two or more than two? (1-R.8)
    • 3 use knowledge of words and cueing systems to read fluently;
      • 1 automatically read and understand some high-frequency words and words of personal interest or significance, in a variety of reading contexts (e.g., the same word in different graphic representations such as: on the word wall; in shared-, guided-, and independent-reading texts; on shared- and interactive-writing charts; in personal writing; in a variety of fonts)
      • 2 predict the meaning of and solve unfamiliar words using different types of cues, including:
        • semantic (meaning) cues (e.g., familiar words, phrases, sentences, and visuals that activate existing knowledge of oral and written language);
          • Use context to identify the meaning of a word (1-X.1)
          • Choose the synonyms (1-X.2)
          • Choose the antonyms (1-X.3)
          • Use words with prefixes and suffixes (1-X.10)
          • Understand words with prefixes and suffixes (1-X.11)
        • syntactic (language structure) cues (e.g., predictable word order, predictable language patterns, punctuation);
          • Statement, question, command or exclamation? (1-M.6)
          • Is it the naming or action part of the sentence? (1-M.8)
          • Identify nouns in a sentence (1-N.4)
          • Identify proper nouns (1-N.6)
          • Identify action verbs (1-P.2)
          • Identify articles (1-Q.2)
          • Identify adjectives (1-R.5)
          • Identify comparative and superlative adjectives (1-R.7)
        • graphophonic (phonological and graphic) cues (e.g., blending and segmenting of individual sounds in words; visual features of words such as shape and orientation; sound-letter relationships for initial, final, and medial sounds; onset and rime; common spelling patterns; words within words)
          • Use words with prefixes and suffixes (1-X.10)
          • Understand words with prefixes and suffixes (1-X.11)
        • 3 read appropriate, familiar texts at a sufficient rate and with sufficient expression to convey the sense of the text to the reader (e.g., make oral reading of a role in a simple readers’ theatre script sound like natural speech)
      • 4 reflect on and identify their strengths as readers, areas for improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful before, during, and after reading.
        • 1 begin to identify, with support and direction, a few strategies they found helpful before, during, and after reading
        • 2 explain, initially with support and direction, how their skills in listening, speaking, writing, viewing, and representing help them make sense of what they read (e.g., reading a text independently is easier after hearing it read aloud and/or talking about it in class)
